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Year 2019
July 2019

Palliative Care in Advanced Non-cancer Conditions

21 and 22 August 2025

  • Overview
  • Objectives
  • Target Participant(s)
  • Trainer(s)
  • Fees & Schedule
  • Registration Details

As our population ages, more people will be developing chronic medical conditions which will progress and eventually lead to death. The challenges of managing a patient with advanced non-cancer conditions can be fairly different from caring for someone who is suffering from advanced cancer. The 2-day course will highlight these challenges and focus on palliative care approaches to help healthcare professionals manage non-cancer end-of-life care better.

Topics covered:

Day 1:

  • Introduction to palliative care in non-cancer conditions
  • Advanced respiratory diseases
  • Home ventilation support – issues and challenges
  • End-stage liver diseases
  • Advanced heart failure

Day 2:

  • End-of-life care in frailty
  • Advanced Parkinson’s
  • End-stage renal disease
  • Psychosocial issues and community resources
  • Nutrition & Hydration in advanced non-cancer illness
  • Physical therapy in advanced non-cancer illness

Please refer to the brochure here.

At the end of the course, participants should be able to:

  1. Appreciate the challenges faced in caring for patients with advanced non-cancer conditions.
  2. Understand the commonly encountered symptoms in end-stage organ failure and neurodegenerative diseases and ways to manage these symptoms effectively.
  3. Understand the psychosocial and spiritual needs of these patients and their families.
  4. Know what local community resources are available to support these patients and their families.


Doctors, Registered Nurses, Advanced Practice Nurses, Allied Health Professionals, Psychosocial Staff who care for patients with advanced chronic illnesses in the acute, intermediate or long-term care settings.

Dr Aw Chia Hui

Dr Aw Chia Hui is a Consultant in the Department of Palliative Medicine at Woodlands Health, with special clinical interests in Medical Education and Palliative care in heart disease. She believes in the education and training of primary care partners to promote quality palliative care early in the disease process.

Course fees before subsidy: $457.80 per person (including 9% GST)

*Prevailing course fee subsidy for staff working in eligible Community Care organisations:
90% for Singaporean/PR and 45% for non-Singaporean/PR.
*Organisations will be billed the amount after subsidy.

Dates: 21 and 22 Aug 2025

Time: 9am – 5pm​

Venue: Dover Park Hospice, Level 3 Training Room                                                                                                                                                         TTSH Integrated Care Hub                                                                                                                                                                                     1 Tan Tock Seng Link, Singapore 307382

For staff of Community Care Organizations, please register via AIC CCLMS.

Otherwise, please email to enquiries@palc.org.sg

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